Kit de ferramentas de avaliação auditiva de crianças


The Child Hearing Assessments allow educational audiologists, hearing resource teachers, and Teachers of the Deaf to evaluate a child’s individual hearing and listening abilities, difficulties, behaviors and use of assistive technology.

O Kit de ferramentas de avaliação auditiva de crianças (C.H.A.T.) permite que profissionais educativos de saúde auditiva, professores e professores de surdos preencham e gerenciem diferentes avaliações auditivas em um local conveniente: gratuitamente, em qualquer lugar e a partir de qualquer dispositivo.

Gerenciar suas avaliações

The Child Hearing Assessments are tools for educational audiologists, hearing resource teachers and teachers of the deaf. Select the right listening assessment for each individual child as required.

You'll find:

  • Interactive assessments
    Fill out these assessments on your computer by entering the required data in each field. The tools will then auto-calculate the results/scoring based on your entries. You can also share them electronically with teachers or parents to fill out and return via e-mail. 
  • Additional resources
    Find links to other relevant hearing and listening assessments.

Interactive assessments

Form: Children’s Auditory Performance Scale (CHAPS)

Use the CHAPS to systematically collect and quantify listening behaviors observed in children age seven and older. By Walter J. Smoski, Ph.D., Michael A. Brunt, Ph.D. & J. Curtis Tannahill, Ph.D.

Form: Functional Listening Evaluation (FLE)

The purpose of this evaluation is to determine how a patient's listening abilities are affected by noise, distance, and visual input in an individual's natural listening environment. By Cheryl DeConde Johnson, Ed.D.

Form: Functional Auditory Performance Indicators (FAPI)

The FAPI assesses the functional auditory skills of children with hearing loss. By A. Stredler-Brown & C.D. Johnson.

Additional resources

Como funciona o Kit de ferramentas de avaliação auditiva de crianças

Ferramentas de aconselhamento para adultos


Ferramentas de aconselhamento pediátrico
