
Der Family-Centered Care Ansatz berücksichtigt die wichtige Rolle der Familie für die erfolgreiche Behandlung von Hörverlust.
Erfahren Sie mehr über dieses Phonak Projekt.

Die neuesten Veröffentlichungen

Podcast series for Professionals

“The Audiologist” podcast series offers a new perspective on hearing health topics. Audiology experts from around the world share their inspiring views and insights from the industry, as well as updates on the latest on research.

Listen to the episodes


Implementing FCC in a whole-of-clinic manner

Could you bring a family member? Learn how Barbra Timmer and a team of fantastic researchers looked at how Family-Centered Care was implemented in a chain of audiology clinics.

Watch the video


Family-Centered Care Blog

How important is the role of stigma in hearing rehabilitation? What can we do to foster more family member involvement? Answers to these and other questions are provided in easy-to-read blog posts on Family-Centerd Care.

Visit the blog


Einführung in Family-Centered Care

Wie führt man den Ansatz der Family-Centered Care ein?

Das Family-Centered Care Expertenteam empfiehlt die folgenden ersten drei Schritte:
