The 5th generation of the world’s most trusted power hearing aid.

The 5th generation of the world’s most trusted power hearing aid.
Model: Rechargeable R RIC
Battery: R
Performance Levels (Compare):
Premium (B90), Advanced (B70), Standard (B50)
Hearing Aid:
Hearing Aid Colors:
Selected: Champagne ( P5 )
Rechargeable R RIC
Fitting Range Phonak Naida B UltraPower xReceiver
Fitting Range Phonak Naida B Power xReceiver
Fitting Range Phonak Naida B Standard xReceiver
Model: Rechargeable SP
Battery: 13
Performance Levels (Compare):
Premium (B90), Advanced (B70), Standard (B50), Essential (B30)
Hearing Aid:
Graphite Gray
Hearing Aid Colors:
Selected: Graphite Gray ( P7 )
Rechargeable SP
Fitting Range Phonak Naída B SP
Model: Rechargeable UP
Battery: 675
Performance Levels (Compare):
Premium (B90), Advanced (B70), Standard (B50), Essential (B30)
Hearing Aid:
Velvet Black
Hearing Aid Colors:
Selected: Velvet Black ( P8 )
Rechargeable UP
Fitting Range Phonak Naída B UP
Globally, more than 87 million people have severe to profound hearing loss1 and face a unique and complex set of challenges. Due to this, they require a solution that is capable of delivering more than just more power.
Since the launch of our first power hearing aid in 1978, we have continuously created hearing solutions, designed to bring people with a severe to profound hearing loss closer to the beauty of sound.
Back in 2007 we introduced the first Naída power hearing aid. Since then, more than 2.5 million hearing aids have been fitted worldwide and it has continuously evolved to become a revolutionary device.
Combining our expertise and efforts in research and development, we are delighted to introduce the 5th generation of the world’s most trusted power hearing aid: Phonak Naída B.
With the new proprietary fitting formula Adaptive Phonak Digital Contrast, we now introduce a slow compression option, developed to meet the processing needs of clients with poor auditory resolution abilities. Through longer attack and release times, the spectral contrasts as well as the speech signal modulations are better preserved. This increases the envelope cues for speech compared to Adaptive Phonak Digital, so it is now possible to get closer to the original speech signal and make lost details in speech more pronounced. Research shows that this leads to improved vowel recognition for some clients.2, 3
SoundRecover2 provides clients with loss of high-frequency hearing a further enhanced listening experience versus the original SoundRecover feature. Sound quality of mid and low frequencies is maintained, while relevant high-frequency sounds are compressed and thereby made audible.4, 5 The adaptive behavior guarantees that this is only applied when the level of the input signal requires it.
The loss of signal-to-noise ratio determines whether clients can only hear or actually understand what is being said.
Phonak Naída B default first fit provides the industry’s best Speech Intelligibility Index (SII) results for clients with severe to profound hearing loss.6
Binaural VoiceStream Technology™ provides excellent signal-to-noise ratio in background noise and in challenging listening situations. It has the ability to stream the full audio bandwidth in real-time and bi-directionally across both hearing aids to improve speech understanding and reduce listening effort.6, 7, 8
Phonak Naída B-R RIC is the most feature-rich rechargeable hearing aid from Phonak, dedicated to clients with severe to profound hearing loss. With 40% more capacity than conventional rechargeable batteries, our proven built-in lithium-ion technology is reliable and fully supports the superior performance of Naída B-R RIC.
1 World Health Organization: source, Stevens, G., Flaxman, S., Brunskill, E., Mascarenhas, M., Mathers, C. D., & Finucane, M. (2013). Global and regional hearing impairment prevalence: an analysis of 42 studies in 29 countries.The European Journal of Public Health, 23(1), 146–152.
2 Bor, S., Souza, P., & Wright, R. (2008). Multichannel Compression: Effects of Reduced Spectral Contrast on Vowel Identification Stephanie. J Speech Lang Hear Res, 51(5), 1315–1327.
3 Souza, P., Wright, R., & Bor, S. (2013). Consequences of broad auditory filters for identification of multichannel-compressed vowels. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 55(2), 474–486.
4 Rehmann, J., Jha, S., and Baumann, S. (2016). SoundRecover2 – the adaptive frequency compression algorithm. Phonak Insight, retrieved from, accessed October 4, 2017.
5 Bohnert, A., Nyffeler, M., and Keilmann, A. (2010). Advantages of a non-linear frequency compression algorithm in noise. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol, 267(7), pp 1045–1053.
6 Field Study News under development. Full details available in spring 2018 at
7 Paluch, R., Latzel, M. and Meis, M. (2015). A new tool for subjective assessment of hearing aid performance: Analyses of Interpersonal Communication. ISAAR proceedings, Nyborg.
8 Phonak, (2011). Naída S and Zoom Technology- state of the art directionality for power users. Phonak Field Study News, retrieved from, accessed October 4th, 2017.
* Expected results when fully charged, and up to 80 minutes wireless streaming time. Please refer to
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Wireless microphone that offers Roger technology which improves speech understanding in loud noise. Placed on a table, it allows clients to fully engage and feel at the...
Roger Table Mic II is a wireless microphone especially designed for clients with a hearing loss who participate in various meetings.
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Compatible with all Phonak Venture and Belong hearing aids. Color: Champagne/black.