Roger™ SoundField Support


A Roger SoundField system requires either the:

Roger SF Touchscreen Mic – transmits teacher’s voice directly to DigiMaster loudspeakers.  Multiple Roger SF Touchscreen Mics and Roger Pass-arounds can be used together in the same network along with a Roger Multimedia Hub.

Roger Touchscreen Mic -transmits teacher’s voice directly to DigiMaster loudspeakers and personal Roger receivers simultaneously.  This is essential when children with hearing instruments are in the classroom. Multiple Roger Touchscreen Mics and Roger Pass-arounds can be used together in the same network along with a Roger Multimedia Hub.

  • Roger DigiMaster 5000 is a standalone unit for regular sized classrooms.  Only one DigiMaster 5000 can be used in a network.
  • Roger DigiMaster 7000 can be alone or together in the same network with another DigiMaster 7000 to create a double loudspeaker system.
Beautyshot Roger DigiMaster

Learn more about Roger Touchscreen Mic

Roger Touchscreen Mic