General questions
Q: What is Roger Table Mic II?
A: Roger Table Mic II is a wireless microphone especially designed for meetings that helps people with hearing loss understand better in noise and over distance.
Q: In which situations can Roger Table Mic II be used?
A: Roger Table Mic II can be used in any meeting situation that takes place around a table, including skype meetings.
Q: In which situations are other solutions than Roger Table Mic II recommended?
- In restaurants or other places where the discussion is of a more chaotic nature, we recommend Roger Select due to its selection mode.
- When the user prefers to hold the microphone in the hand and point it in the direction of a talker. For such situations Roger Pen or Roger EasyPen is recommended.
Q: Is there evidence, that MultiBeam Technology improves speech understanding?
A: Yes, a study by Linda Thibodeau, PhD, of the University of Texas at Dallas has shown that speech understanding is improved by 61% in a group conversation in loud noise compared to using hearing aids alone*.
*Based on preliminary data. Peer-reviewed article available end of 2018 at www.phonakpro.com/evidence
Q: What makes Roger Table Mic II different from other wireless microphones?
A: Roger Table Mic II features MultiBeam Technology which is a new generation of microphone technology that combines an array of microphone elements with advanced automatic functionality to focus exclusively on one talker in the group. It will seamlessly change focus as the talker changes from one person to the next.
Other important points for Roger Table Mic II:
- Roger Table Mic II can be controlled remotely which allows discrete control during meetings.
- Roger Table Mic II is compatible with most hearing aids and cochlear implants on the market.
- Roger Table Mic II adapts automatically to changing surrounding noise levels and provides good speech understanding even in high noise levels.
Q: Does Roger Table Mic II work with any hearing system?
A: Roger Table Mic II works with most hearing aids, cochlear implants and Bahas. A Roger receiver is required to bring the signal from Roger Table Mic II into the hearing system. For most Phonak hearing aids as well for all recent cochlear implant sound processors, there is a design integrated Roger receiver. For other hearing aids, the universal Roger X or Roger MyLink can be used.
Q: How many listeners can listen to Roger Table Mic II?
A: An unlimited number of users with Roger receivers can be connected to a Roger Table Mic II
Q: How do I need to setup the hearing aid?
A: Most HI / CI automatically switch the program when Roger Table Mic II is switched on. Some need a manual program (e.g. EXT / DAI or T-Coil)
Please check your HI / CI user manual / fitting guide.
Q: How do I connect Roger Table Mic II to the hearing aids / cochlear implant?
A: Hold Roger Table Mic II close to the receiver and briefly press the connect button, a green LED confirms connection. This only needs to be done once; Roger Table Mic II remains connected. A tone/beep is presented and should be heard as an auditive indication of connection.
Technical questions
Q: What are the technical characteristics (operating time, range, latency of Roger Table Mic II)?
A: Operating time: Up to 16 hours
Range Roger Table Mic II to Roger receiver: Typically 20 meters / 60 feet, ideal conditions 40 meters / 120 feet
Latency: Mic to receiver output: 17 ms
Q: How many microphones are in Roger Table Mic II?
A: MultiBeam Technology utilizes three omnidirectional microphone elements arranged in an equilateral triangle. Each element in the array can act as either a front or rear element for either of the other two elements. The directional behavior then becomes equivalent to six directional microphones, creating a full 360° pattern.
Q: What audio input options does Roger Table Mic II have?
A: Roger Table Mic II can be connected to a headphone output (3.5 mm socket) using the included audio cable.
Q: Can I combine it with other Roger microphones?
A: Yes. It is recommended to use Roger Table Mic II with other Roger Table Mic II or Roger Select for the best listening experience.
Q: How do I reset Roger Table Mic II?
A: Complete reset: Press On/Off and Connect together for 10 seconds
Disconnect (NewNet): Press Connect for 10 seconds
Q: How does the audio processing in Roger Table Mic II compare to Roger Table Mic?
A: Roger Table Mic II uses MultiBeam Technology to create beamformers in six directions. The beam with the best SNR will be selected continuously as different persons talk. MultiBeam Technology reduces reverberation and background noise significantly compared to Roger Table Mic (first gen.).
Q: How does the audio processing in Roger Table Mic II compare to Roger Select?
A: Roger Table Mic II uses the same MultiBeam Technology as Roger Select, but has a slightly lower kneepoint which allows it to pick up speech at a longer distance. Roger Table Mic II is calibrated against a maximum pick-up distance of 3m, whereas Select is calibrated against 1.2m.
Q: How does Roger Table Mic II treat the sound in a difficult sound environment with over 70dB SPL of noise?
A: The adaptive behavior increases the gain in the Roger receiver by up to 14 dB. Due to the possible SNR disadvantage of a far-field microphone care should be taken to avoid discomfort in environments with more than 65 dB SPL of noise.
Daily use
Q: What can clients do to improve understanding using Roger Table Mic II?
- Always bring Roger Table Mic II as close to the talkers as possible.
- Avoid hiding Roger Table Mic II behind glasses, computer screens or other objects.
- If possible make sure talkers are seated, as the beams in MultiBeam Technology are optimized for seated talkers.
Q: Is it possible to listen to a connected audio device and the microphone in parallel?
A: No, but several Roger Table Mic IIs can still be used in a MultiTalker Network. Any Roger Table Mic II not connected to an audio device will function as normal.
Q: How can Roger Table Mic II be connected with a phone?
A: Adaptors and cables can be used. Please check the ‘Phone calls made easy with Roger’ brochure.
Q: Why is it not possible to manually select the active beams as on Roger Select?
A: Business meetings are generally a more controlled situation than social gatherings, and there is less need for manual control of the beams. If the user is disturbed by unrelated discussions or distant talking, the remote control can be used to reduce the pick-up range or mute the microphone completely.
Q: Is Roger Table Mic II ever in omni mode?
A: No, MultiBeam Technology is always active to give the optimum speech intelligibility in every situation.
Using multiple microphones
Q: How many other microphones can be connected with Roger Table Mic II?
A: Up to 10 Roger microphones can be connected in a network.
Q: What dictates which microphone should be active when more than one Roger Table Mic II is used?
A: Voice-activity-detection (VAD) according to the first-come, first-served principle. Note that the VAD is active also for the line input. This means that Roger Table Mic II can be used in a MultiTalker Network in for e.g. Skype meetings. One mic is then dedicated to Skype and the others for the local party.
Q: How fast is the switch between different talkers and microphones? Is there any risk of drop-outs?
A: The switching is instant and seamless. However, the speech might linger in the “wrong” microphone until the person talking pauses (takes a breath) because of how the VAD operates.