Podcast: “The Audiologist”: No need for mixed feelings about Family-Centered Care
An expert talk with Louise Hickson and Christine Jones

Podcast: “The Audiologist”: Why Family-Centered Care is not a time waster
An expert talk with Joe Montano and Christine Jones

Podcast: “The Audiologist”: We are no marriage counselors!
An expert talk with Kris English and Christine Jones

Web Link: Identifying barriers and facilitators to implementing Family-Centered Care in adult audiology practices
Ekberg, Schuetz, Timmer & Hickson, International Journal of Audiology, 2020

Info Graphic: Family-Centered Care: A myth busters series

Web Link: Mythbusters Myth No. 7: Including Family Members in Decisions Just Complicates Matters
The Hearing Review, December 2018

Form: FOCAS - Family Oriented Communication Assessment and Solutions

Web Link: FOCAS: Family Oriented Communication Assessment and Solutions

Guide: How to use FOCAS

Scientific Poster: FOCAS: A new holistic tool for performing hearing needs assessments

Web Link: Mythbusters Myth No. 6: I Am Already Family-Centered, So What’s the Hype?
The Hearing Review, 2018

Web Link: Mythbusters Myth No. 5: Including Family Members in the Appointment Takes Up Too Much Valuable Time
The Hearing Review, 2018

Web Link: Mythbusters Myth No. 4: I Have to Discuss the Audiogram
The Hearing Review, 2018

Web Link: Mythbusters Myth No. 3: Many Patients Do Not Want Their Family in the Room
The Hearing Review, 2018

Web Link: Mythbusters Myth No. 2: I Will Be Expected to Be a Marriage Counselor
The Hearing Review, 2017

Web Link: Mythbusters Myth No. 1: I Would Like to Do More Counseling But Time Just Won’t Allow for It
The Hearing Review, 2017

Journal Article: Family-Centered Audiology Care: Emotion and Reason in Hearing Healthcare
Singh, G., et al., Hearing Review, 2017

Infographic: The role of emotions in hearing healthcare

Journal Article: Family-centered Care: Working with Partners Reporting “Incongruent” Hearing Aid Outcome
Saunders, G., et al., Hearing Review, 2017

Info Graphic: Managing different perceptions
What to do when the patient's and the family member's views of the hearing loss and the outcome differ

Web Link: Family-Centered Care topics on the Audiology Blog of Phonak
Audiology Blog articles

Journal Article: How Do I Implement Family-centered Care in my practice?
Turnbull, B., 2016

Info Graphic: At a glance: Benefits of Family-Centered Care
Core elements of Family-Centered Care

Journal Article: Family-centered Audiology Care: Making Decisions and Setting Goals Together
Hickson, L., Lind, C., Preminger, J., Brose, B., Hauff, R., Montano, J.; 2016

Info Graphic: Tools for patients and family to address hearing loss together

Journal Article: Family-centered Audiology Care: Working with Difficult Conversations
English,K.; Jennings,M.; Lind, C.; Montano,J.; Preminger, J.; Saunders,G.; Singh,G.; Thompson,E.; 2016

Info Graphic: How to manage difficult conversations

Web Link: Phonak Launches Family-Centered Care Pilot Program
The HearingReview, 2016

Journal Article: Family-Centered Adult Audiologic Care: A Phonak Position Statement
Singh G., et al. Hearing Review, 2016