Tools for professionals

Form: My personal Profile and Accomodations Plan

This interactive document is intended to describe the teen or young adult, their communication preferences and how they use technology. It should be shared with teachers, friends, his/her employer if applicable, educational support staff and faculty, or anyone else with whom they may interact. Encourage teens to complete, with assistance if required, and use this letter.

Guide: Self-Advocacy Checklist-ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (ASAC-ES)

This checklist is intended to encourage the development of personal responsibility and self-advocacy skills as early as possible. It identifies skills and appropriate school levels. When completed, a list of skills that still need to be learned is generated.

Guide: Sample goals and learning objectives

Goals for students may include all areas of the content standards i.e. reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language. However, the speaking and listening standards are an important place to start. Some sample goals and learning objectives are provided in this document.


Asset: GAP - Guide to Access Planning

eBook for iPad and Tablets

Asset: GAP - Guide to Access Planning

eBook for Kindle